Magic and Electronics:
Getting Things Moving
Motors, Batteries, and Switches
in Close-Up Magic Animations
A Builders Guide
This download will cover the topic of using electronics to build close-up magic animation effects. Several tricks and effects will be described (see below), but more importantly the TOOLS and TIPS to set up circuits that you won't find anywhere else!
This project will include access to several videos, written instructions, as well as ongoing updates, and possibly even a Facebook discussion group...
This could be the one-stop-shop for learning the best secrets in close-up electronic animations!
Starry Night Card
Pulse Spitfire (a card fountain in a cardbox!)
The "Real" Moving Hole (social media/video only)
Electric Traveling Deck
The Motorized Micro Card Spinner
Some of the material taught:
- Learn how to secure a micro wheel to a micro motor
(This is priceless!)
- Hooking up a micro switch with no soldering
- Learn about different types of switches, and how to make your own silent latching switch
- Learn to build several types of battery holders that will allow you to save space!
-Finding the right materials
PLUS: There is absolutely NO SOLDERING!
That's right, zero soldering in the entire project
All these builds are safe and easy for everyone, including beginners